HOLLY MEYER LUCAS IN THE NEWS: Port St Lucie could see home prices sharply decline over the next 12 months, report shows

HOLLY MEYER LUCAS IN THE NEWS: Port St Lucie could see home prices sharply decline over the next 12 months, report shows

Renowned real estate agent Holly Meyer Lucas shares insights about Port St. Lucie’s home decline and the factors that affect the housing market.

Six Real Estate Prospecting Ideas to Help Boost Your Business!

Six Real Estate Prospecting Ideas to Help Boost Your Business!

Are you an agent? In sales? Do you work for yourself? OR are you just trying to grow your sphere? Whichever one it is, this blog post is DEFINITELY for you!

According to Dictionary.com, PROSPECTING is the activity of searching for valuable natural resources, as gold or oil. And here at the Meyer Lucas Team, we KNOW that prospecting (in the real estate sense and any sense for that matter) is definitely worth its weight in GOLD!

So, are you looking to UP your prospecting game this year? KEEP READING because you will want to use this to increase your client base and INCREASE YOUR REVENUE! (which is what we all want, isn’t it?)