Learn to Address Your Inner Critic

A little dose of pep this Monday for anyone who needs it…

Your success can be defined by how well you handle your #1 critic and biggest limitation - yourself.

For what it’s worth - I doubt and second guess myself all the damn time. Even now, seven years into this entrepreneurial journey, I still have moments of pause and self doubt.

Here’s what I do to overcome it: When my negative inner voice comes for me and tries to talk me out of wearing the outfit, making the phone call, going to the event, doing the thing — I try not to suppress that voice.

Sounds counterintuitive, right? Stick with me here.

Instead, I lean in hard and let that voice have the floor for a second. I let “her” (aka me) play the criticisms out and let it fling mud at whatever it is objecting to.
“You will look silly”, “You’ll get hung up on”, “You won’t know what to say” - whatever it is, I let it play out and give it a voice for a second.

Then, once it has said it’s naysaying peace, I consciously tell that inner voice to kindly sit the hell back down, chill out, and I remind her that I’ve got it covered. I’m going to wear the damn outfit. I’m sending the email. I’m starting the business. Thank you for your time, Negative Nelly Holly, but you’re not knocking me off my game today. Thank you, next ✌🏼

Some of the best business decisions I’ve made have come as a result of me leaning fully into my own destructive, self criticizing voice, letting that voice air myself out, and then deciding I’m going to *move forward with power*.

I would have never gotten past my first week of doing the real estating if I hadn’t addressed my inner critic. And I certainly wouldn’t still be sitting here if I let her rule my decisions.

Giving negativity the floor and then kindly asking her to f*ck right off is powerful. You have no limitations. Only the ones you put on yourself. ✌🏼

Holly Meyer Lucas is an award winning, top producing real estate leader and the founder of the Meyer Lucas Real Estate Team at Compass. Based in Jupiter, Florida and servicing the Palm Beach area of South Florida, Holly and her team of agents use cutting edge marketing techniques and analytics to drive their luxury home sales. While Holly is known nationally for her work with professional athletes and their families, she and her team treat every client like an MVP. To learn more about Holly and the Meyer Lucas Team, including seeing our current listings, please visit http://www.meyerlucas.com